Advance Map: Part 2
Hey all, welcome back to the blog. In my last post, I discussed the basics of the Advance Map hacking tool and the set-up involved for it. I also showed off a small bit of a tutorial for actually editing in-game maps ourselves, starting with the player character's rival's house. However, actually editing the appearance of the map is but a small part of the entire process. As I mentioned in the previous post, there is still a decent amount of work to be done after editing the onscreen map. The unedited Movement Permissions tab on Pallet Town If you recall from my last post, although the house was successfully edited in terms of actual appearance, we still have to configure how the player will interact with the map. From the above screenshot, we can see there's a lot going on here, so let's unpack what is currently on screen: Each individual tile has its own set movement permission, which is represented by a letter or a number. In the case of Pallet Town, these a...